Thursday, October 11, 2012


Katie is growing up too fast

And she's looking quite old too!

Her most recent birthday, July 26th, was her 11th.  She's as tall as her sisters and mom, even though she's in 6th grade.  Don't let the unibrow and handle bar mustache fool you - she's a beautiful young lady!

She's also bonkers.

Monday, October 08, 2012


SQLCruising & Josie

I sometimes teach a class on SQL Server on a cruise ship.

This spring, the cruise went to Alaska.

I was lucky enough to have some extra room on the Alaska cruise. I gave my mom the open bunk.

There were great people with whom we shared the cruise, like my friend Mala.

And some beautiful views, such as the Mendenhall Glacier (behind me).

My favorite place on this cruise was the beautiful city of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

I'll be doing another cruise next spring with the awesome team at  I get to bring Rachel this time - to the Caribbean islands!

Sunday, October 07, 2012


Katie was so Tiny in 2008

This is when Katie was in the process of losing a tooth.  It's kind'a funny.


Thursday, October 04, 2012


Sam Graduates

I brought the little girls up to scenic Depauw University near Indianapolis to see Sam graduate.  The girls were so wonderful.  I really enjoyed spending that time with them.

The campus was delightful.  Sam's girlfriend, Stephanie, was also a real gem.

He's hard to see, but Sam is directly in front of the "Depauw University" banner on the left.

Sam graduated with a 4.0 average and went on to win a Fullbright Fellowship to study archaeology and Spanish in Mexico at the site of some ancient Mayan ruins.  Kudos to you, Sam!

Monday, October 01, 2012


Summer in FL

A double-rainbow. Beautiful, spanning the sky from end to end.

We brought much beauty with us.  And we took it home with us too.

Brave girl. Pilots the boat. Terrifies the passengers.

Do we look less stressed than usual? We were. Very much so.

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