Monday, June 12, 2006
Fire in da 'hood

Sure enough there was a fire at the old McNamie place and, because there were now so many emergency vehicles there, we couldn't get past them. We were stuck until the fire trucks and fire men decided to leave. So we got out of the car and watched the repairs. Evidently, one of the kids beds caught on fire in the upper left bedroom (in the picture). The fire men (and at least one fire woman) dumped the matress and boxsprings, plus lots of bedding, out the window. One corner of the matress and boxsprings were badly burned and smoldering. The smoke was horrible.
In a way, it was kind'a strange and surreal. The lights on the emergency vehicles lit up the whole place. And people throughout the neighbor hood came out to watch. Several even got out the lawn chairs and got comfortable to watch the spectacle.
I had a lot of things

And, of course, I was reminded to be thankful for the things in life that really matter to me - my loved ones - and that I should let go of the material things in life that really aren't important.
Stay well!