Monday, August 28, 2006


Anna got a boo-boo

There's nothing more troubling to a parent than watch your child suffer. Sadly, I had to watch Anna Lynn suffer after surgery on her belly button hernia last Monday.

Her mom kept her from the night before and took her down for an early 6:00 am prep. I got the other kids off to school and came down to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital straight away. I arrived about 8:00 am to find that they'd just taken her back for surgery. Kelly and I patiently waited and took the chance to catch up a bit.

She came back quite drugged up, but still in a lot of pain. She gradually came around and, as she did, she hurt more and more. Our pediatric nurse was fantastic and kept increasing her pain-killer until she was feeling no pain. I thinks she had to give her three rounds of drugs until she finally started to feel good. And when she started to feel good, she also started to get pretty funny and silly.

It took a few days for her to finally start feeling better from the surgery. And Kelly had to deal with some complications from her also having a lung infection (though it was not caused by the surgery itself). But she turned the corner towards the end of last week and has made a great recovery. She'll soon have the bandages off and will be able to swim and take baths again.

You go, girl! Daddy loves you!



Anna Lynn has the cutest little belly button now! And if I do say so myself, mine is getting a bit too deep...
I'm glad she's feeling better. We didn't even know my husband had an umblical hernie until they did an emergency appendectomy on him eight years ago (I remember it well because I was eight months pregnant at the time). The Dr. fixed the hernia while he was in there. Two for the price of one.
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