Thursday, March 22, 2007


Winter Wonderland

Nashville is very pretty in the winter snow. We usually get a few snow falls every winter, with just enough accumulation for the kids to throw some snowballs around, but not so much that the whole town is immobilized.

On one of my February business trips, I was able to snap several pictures like this from the window of the airplane. Of course, the irony here is that most of February was temporate. We usually get our last and biggest snow falls of the season in early to mid-March. But this year, it all came in February and not much at all came in March.
Who can say what the weather will do these days? My brother, who lives near Anchorage, Alaska, has seen a lot of evidence of global warming. They've even had a significant number of glaciers that were in close driving distance melt into oblivion since he moved up there several years ago. Yikes!


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