Friday, January 30, 2009


Scawee Vampiwe


We bought this school cape for Anna more than a year earlier when we'd taken the then 10-month old Anna with us to London. Anna Lynn loved this little English cape so much. She played Harry Potter in it quite a lot. But most of all, she just had to be a vampire for her third Halloween. Katie was just born that summer (July 0f 2001) and wasn't yet into the Halloween thing. So Anna was trick-or-treating with her older brother and sister. She loved everything about the costume - the white face, the slicked back hair, the cool costume - except for one thing: the vampire teeth. The teeth were made for a kid at least twice her size. Consequently, she could hardly close her mouth around the things. And with all of the candy on Halloween to make her hungry, she was droolin' all over her adorable 3-yr old self.

Oooh! So scary! =^)


HAHAHA, the teeth are awesome.
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